jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014

Gombrowicz’s Diary third entry on Piñera: Supper in Crillon with Rodriguez Feo. Virgilio and Humberto were also there. Rodriguez Feo is the editor of the pretty good literary monthly El Ciclón (sic) in Havana. He came to visit. All are Cuban. A strange species! They are intelligent and well-informed, but they are not made of clay but water. Moving, gleaming, vanishing fluidity. There were reasons in Gombrowicz’s personality to be rejected; however, those very same reason are what make his literary personality so attractive. That sense of superiority had to be upset Virgilio and shed some light on Piñera’s complaint jotted down by Gombrowicz in his first entry on Piñera. But, still, there are some reflections that can be drawn out of this entry. To a person that had been in Argentina for quite a few years to find Cubans strange, intelligent, and well-informed is a compliment at very least. Another reflection that is worthy to be made. In his characterization of the Cubans he used two elements with clear biblical implications: clay and water. Different readings: Cubans are not a direct divine creation, but created from a byproduct, water; or, Cubans like fish, moving, gleaming, and vanishing. Wasn’t this element, water, provided by Piñera? A Virgilian present? La maldita circunstancia del agua por todas partes?

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Kafka, Diarios (1920)

Del cuaderno en que Franz Kafka registraba sus impresiones diarias, los apuntes tomados en 1920 que lograron sobrevivir a la voluntad de d...